Dec 8, 2010

Mood board for Seaside Interior

I set this mood board for my next private project. I always do some work that aren't payed, just for my pleasure. 
But, have you thought about seaside house on urban living? I do think about it. 

The biggest reason is because I like ocean, a lot. But I was wondered how if I found some comforting aura in my urban life. 

Ocean are comforting, the color, the sound of waves, and seagulls conversation. Of course I wont bring that literally to a room. We just have to imagine it and voila! It's just like that. 

Exactly not that simple, but I'd tell you, to bring that comforting aura is not that difficult like you thought. 

We don't have to buy expensive furniture, placing expensive home accessories. Nothing of that is needed. We just have to imagine about Ocean. 

What kind of ocean do you want in your room? 
The one that bring back memories? 
The one that have your spirit high? 
The one that always make you fun? 
Or the one that bring your creativity all out. 

You just have to choose it. Like I do, I like The one that comforting me with seaside lifestyle. So I bring seaside lifestyle to my urban life. It's like children plays, sweet jumper, or reading my books on white coach with blue stripes. 

I have it in my head, and soon I will come with that design. Now I just have to imagine it like I want, perfectly.


Nov 12, 2010

My Workplace

Hi, Check this out;
Marc & Franc Website

That is my workplace, Consultant-Contractor for Architecture, Interior, and Furniture.
If you see at that site, there are so many design I made.

Marc and Franc provide luxurious furniture, ready or custom made, with reasonable price.
For Architecture and Interior, we always ready to make every client needs. about check that out? Marc and Franc Furniture, Taman Tekno 2 Blok J2 No.21, BSD, Tangerang, Indonesia.

Aug 29, 2010

Santorini Architecture

If you see the right sidebar, you can see pictures of Santorini, place I want to go to. Santorini is a beautiful island at greece. I reaaaaaaaaally love the pictures of it. One day I'll go there for sure. Let me tell you why I love that place even I never go there before.

First, I like the color of every house in that island. The blue....the white...and the gradation of sunshine in every side of the house. It so magical, like popping out from a space, and colored by ocean. That kind of architecture makes me feels calm, and gave a nostalgic feelings, I don't know why.

Secondly, I like ocean. I like the blue, I like the sound of it waves, I like to see it from high places. So the pictures of Santorini are perfects!!

For architecture, maybe I like it like that because it's just like my design style : clean, play with form, and compact (I guess).

There are so many reason why I love Santorini. I hope I can go and live there someday.

Aug 28, 2010

Sit on it

Now I'm working for Marc & Franc. It's a company for interior consulting and it has furniture showroom. My office design and build every single things in our showroom. We made furniture, accessories, and kitchen set. And when client come to our showroom, they can consulting with designer about furniture or about whole interior project. This is the website of my office :

I've made so many design here, I like my office, because I can exploring myself, and my design creativity. This is one of my design in our showroom. Single Seater, I named it "Window Seat"

@ showroom

I found this!!

My friend gave me a link to search my own name and see how it goes, it feels like googling myself in the beginning. But then, I found something interesting. My name on International Website about Interior :
Maybe you haven't see that web, but I think it's a cool place for interior tips and article. What I found on that web is my name and my CD Rack Design. I really happy to see it!
This is the link, maybe you want to check it out?

Maybe next time my other design will go international again? I hope so. I still exploring interior design, and I hope it'll be good for everyone. ^^

Aug 20, 2010

It's Outside and Inside

This is my works when I was in a competition to make a furniture from cement which can be set on interior or exterior. I make this, minimalist double bench with hole in every side. That holes make it lighter so even it made from cement, it still can be placed everywhere. I also made the holes for umbrellas hanger. I called this "TwoFace".

Jul 9, 2010


I always dreaming about my own studio. A little studio with friendly and warm people around me, designing projects and many more. Maybe I'll make it near my house and the studio has cute cubicles, with bookshelf everywhere. Sunshine will go through the windows every morning and everyone will work with happy faces.

I even has a name for it : Pillar Studio. 
Pillar definition is main structure(s) which is stand for other important structure. Without Pillar , There wont be any ceiling, or anything else above. 

So, When I will make this dream come true? 
Now I still making my own progress. There are many things that I should learn in this 'Design World'. But sooner or later I will have that:
Pilar Studio Design and Build, my own and lovely Architecture and Interior Studio.

Apr 14, 2010

Me on Media #2

I was in a narcissistic mode on when I decide to googling my name : Maugina Rizki Havier in my spare time.
And what did I saw just barely shocked me.... I was there, at Idea Online again....ahahaha and I though it never exist... so it was the 3rd time I'm in Idea Online....oke, heres the 3rd :

this is the link :

Apr 11, 2010

All you want in it

I do like furniture design. I think that furniture is one of the most important element in Interior Design. This is one of my design : a bench, a rack, and a bedside table.

I call it "The It"

Mar 22, 2010

Low Budget Project

I was helping my friend when I took this project. It's a-low-budget project for renovating a house, from facade to interior. Here are the facades : this two are my suggestion,

But the client pick this two, because he want to cut the expenses
In the end, I made revision, and here it comes :

This is the facade before :

So, which one do you like?

Mar 17, 2010

Modular Bench

I was surfing in net, when I saw this picture. It's made from rattan, and remind me of my previous bench design which I made 2 years ago. Of course It's not the same, but I know it has a same concept, but I like both of them. Here's mine :
Made from synthetic rattan, stainless steel for the legs and leather upholstery for the couch. The main module is the 3 (first picture up there), and it can be attached or not, depend on choices 

Mar 16, 2010

Pop Chair

Oke, this is my happy happy joy joy design, I made just for my own pleasure. I like colorful things, so I made this Pop Chair. I don't know if everyones will like it, but what I know is everyones eyes will catch this ;p

Reception Table

At my previous office, I've made so many furniture for office needs. This product is one of them : Reception Table, I made it from 100% Glass

Mar 13, 2010


When I was bored, I made this :

It's not that max, but I like to do that bored-to-death-sketch, hahaha

Mar 2, 2010


Some of my works on exhibition design

Mirror Display

Door Display


Feb 26, 2010


My works on media! Yippiiiie!!!!! It's posted by Putri Dwimirnani, She's Interior Designer and reporter at IDEA Online (online magazine about home interior). She write about my CD rack, I used to call it Darth Vader, because I think about his helmet form when I made it (but when people see it, they maybe not see what I saw...hehe)

She wrote it professionally, and I think she's brilliant cos' she make it look greater now. Thanks to her (^_^)

I hope you like it.

About the writer : she quit the job because she pursuit her dream to become lighting designer. You Go Girl!!

Feb 14, 2010

Book Cabinet, Let's Have fun!

When we talk about interior design, we imagine a room with some functional space designed with great taste. And one thing we can't separate from interior design is furniture design.

Now people more creative and they always want something new, so they demand more and more new design. So that's how this cabinet design been born.

I made it when I still on my internship. Still a House at Spring Hills Town House project (the one with the elevator, remember my earlier entry? I had write about the bedroom in that house, now we'll talk about one of the built-in furniture in that house)

I'm setting it for 2nd floor common room, where children are playing and studying. My client want a cabinet with stair so their children can reach book at high shelf. But instead of making stair attached to a cabinet, I make cabinet making stair.

When you open the shelf, you can stand on it and you can reach the book you want at high place. if you want to get the book inside it, you just simply open the top, as seen in picture