Aug 29, 2010

Santorini Architecture

If you see the right sidebar, you can see pictures of Santorini, place I want to go to. Santorini is a beautiful island at greece. I reaaaaaaaaally love the pictures of it. One day I'll go there for sure. Let me tell you why I love that place even I never go there before.

First, I like the color of every house in that island. The blue....the white...and the gradation of sunshine in every side of the house. It so magical, like popping out from a space, and colored by ocean. That kind of architecture makes me feels calm, and gave a nostalgic feelings, I don't know why.

Secondly, I like ocean. I like the blue, I like the sound of it waves, I like to see it from high places. So the pictures of Santorini are perfects!!

For architecture, maybe I like it like that because it's just like my design style : clean, play with form, and compact (I guess).

There are so many reason why I love Santorini. I hope I can go and live there someday.

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