Feb 14, 2010

Book Cabinet, Let's Have fun!

When we talk about interior design, we imagine a room with some functional space designed with great taste. And one thing we can't separate from interior design is furniture design.

Now people more creative and they always want something new, so they demand more and more new design. So that's how this cabinet design been born.

I made it when I still on my internship. Still a House at Spring Hills Town House project (the one with the elevator, remember my earlier entry? I had write about the bedroom in that house, now we'll talk about one of the built-in furniture in that house)

I'm setting it for 2nd floor common room, where children are playing and studying. My client want a cabinet with stair so their children can reach book at high shelf. But instead of making stair attached to a cabinet, I make cabinet making stair.

When you open the shelf, you can stand on it and you can reach the book you want at high place. if you want to get the book inside it, you just simply open the top, as seen in picture

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