Aug 29, 2010

Santorini Architecture

If you see the right sidebar, you can see pictures of Santorini, place I want to go to. Santorini is a beautiful island at greece. I reaaaaaaaaally love the pictures of it. One day I'll go there for sure. Let me tell you why I love that place even I never go there before.

First, I like the color of every house in that island. The blue....the white...and the gradation of sunshine in every side of the house. It so magical, like popping out from a space, and colored by ocean. That kind of architecture makes me feels calm, and gave a nostalgic feelings, I don't know why.

Secondly, I like ocean. I like the blue, I like the sound of it waves, I like to see it from high places. So the pictures of Santorini are perfects!!

For architecture, maybe I like it like that because it's just like my design style : clean, play with form, and compact (I guess).

There are so many reason why I love Santorini. I hope I can go and live there someday.

Aug 28, 2010

Sit on it

Now I'm working for Marc & Franc. It's a company for interior consulting and it has furniture showroom. My office design and build every single things in our showroom. We made furniture, accessories, and kitchen set. And when client come to our showroom, they can consulting with designer about furniture or about whole interior project. This is the website of my office :

I've made so many design here, I like my office, because I can exploring myself, and my design creativity. This is one of my design in our showroom. Single Seater, I named it "Window Seat"

@ showroom

I found this!!

My friend gave me a link to search my own name and see how it goes, it feels like googling myself in the beginning. But then, I found something interesting. My name on International Website about Interior :
Maybe you haven't see that web, but I think it's a cool place for interior tips and article. What I found on that web is my name and my CD Rack Design. I really happy to see it!
This is the link, maybe you want to check it out?

Maybe next time my other design will go international again? I hope so. I still exploring interior design, and I hope it'll be good for everyone. ^^

Aug 20, 2010

It's Outside and Inside

This is my works when I was in a competition to make a furniture from cement which can be set on interior or exterior. I make this, minimalist double bench with hole in every side. That holes make it lighter so even it made from cement, it still can be placed everywhere. I also made the holes for umbrellas hanger. I called this "TwoFace".