Feb 26, 2010


My works on media! Yippiiiie!!!!! It's posted by Putri Dwimirnani, She's Interior Designer and reporter at IDEA Online (online magazine about home interior). She write about my CD rack, I used to call it Darth Vader, because I think about his helmet form when I made it (but when people see it, they maybe not see what I saw...hehe)

She wrote it professionally, and I think she's brilliant cos' she make it look greater now. Thanks to her (^_^)

I hope you like it.

About the writer : she quit the job because she pursuit her dream to become lighting designer. You Go Girl!!

Feb 14, 2010

Book Cabinet, Let's Have fun!

When we talk about interior design, we imagine a room with some functional space designed with great taste. And one thing we can't separate from interior design is furniture design.

Now people more creative and they always want something new, so they demand more and more new design. So that's how this cabinet design been born.

I made it when I still on my internship. Still a House at Spring Hills Town House project (the one with the elevator, remember my earlier entry? I had write about the bedroom in that house, now we'll talk about one of the built-in furniture in that house)

I'm setting it for 2nd floor common room, where children are playing and studying. My client want a cabinet with stair so their children can reach book at high shelf. But instead of making stair attached to a cabinet, I make cabinet making stair.

When you open the shelf, you can stand on it and you can reach the book you want at high place. if you want to get the book inside it, you just simply open the top, as seen in picture

Feb 12, 2010

Architecture and Interior photography

I do like photography, I like seeing good picture everywhere
(I admit that sometime I cry when I see the good one - blushing)

But if someone asked me about photographic technique, I'm totally lost (^_^)'
I just a photograph admirer with bad technique, but great taste hehehe...

this is some of my photo works :

I take them with 3MP digital pocket camera...
I like taking picture, it's like taking a story about the object

Do you like photography? here some tips for interior photography

ENJOY (^_^)

Feb 8, 2010

Urban Art on Interior Space

Many people nowadays knows about urban art. It's become a big issues in the city.
Some people knowing that urban art is street art. It's not wrong, exactly, street art is part from urban art. It has issues in the city, it were often happened in the city, and we as urban people, live with it.

But sometimes, we didn't notice it.

We can see street art in every place in town. Now, when you see at the flyover column, you will catch a graphic image of something/someone (figure) say about an issues in the city : politic, lifestyle, generation gap, etc.

Is it art? or just vandalism?

People has their opinion about it. Many of them call it an art, and many of them call it a bad vandalism. Personally, I think it's an art.

When you see some graphic with many color, looks great and have some public message to say, you can call it vandalism. But, if we think about it, is it a vandal? it's not like breaking any public space. Street art, makes that lame space become creative. I think it's a good thing.

Some street art doesn't have a full color design, but it has some artist profile, positive message, and spirit on it. We can discuss about it in detail later. Urban art (or in our case now, street art) have many things to tell. But now, we'll going back to this blog theme ; Interior.

I often try to apply urban art on interior design concept. But people always like "urban art is a public art, how can you apply it in interior? it has to be in exterior!"


But when I explore it, it's true that it's hard to apply it on interior space except as graphic psychology on that space. And soon, I have a dead end. I've searched everywhere about street art on interior, but there are none of them exist, then I saw this hotel :

Hotel Fox is boutique hotel at Danish, it has:
61 rooms, 21 artist, 1,000 ideas
Each room is an individual piece of art. From wacky comical styles to strict graphic design. From fantastic street art and Japanese Manga to simply spaced out fantasies. You will find flowers, fairytales, friendly monsters, dreaming creatures, secrets vaults and…many more

Hotel Fox A/S
Jarmers Plads 3
DK-1551 København V.
Att.: Hotel Manager Lene larsen

Phone: +45 33 13 30 00

I like this hotel a lot! It have unique concept, make our psychology played when we enter every room. Yes, it's not only have some urban art (graphic street art) on some room, but also graphic art and other concept. but, when I have a dead end about applying urban art on interior space, I'll open this site : http://www.hotelfox.dk/

You can see that the wall painted with some figure, character, or even plot. Not only two dimensional graphic, forms on every room are different. That's why I understand that graphic on interior is an important element.

I can't speak much, adios and have fun with urban art!

Rattan Chair, Femmeline

I have this assignment when we have to make an easy chair from rattan material.
I have many design in mind, but I like clean and minimalist, so i made it without wicker.
I give her name 'femmeline'

Have a look at it (^^)