Jul 13, 2013

Artworks of Sisi Lain Bumi Exhibition

View months ago I held an exhibition which aims to respond my fiction book : Sisi Lain Bumi. 
There are 12 participants consisting of Artist, Designer, Architect, and Photographer. Their artworks are extraordinary. Here are some of them :

1. Andreas Cornelius Marbun : Off We Go To Nightmare Land

2. Ramdhan Muhammad Clasic : (tidak ada lagi) Angkat Tangan

3. Ferdian Sahala Samosir : Untitled

4. Zaldy Armansyah : (1) Sisi Lain , (2) Sosok

5. Fajar Abadi : ! ieh 

6. Habibie Putranto : Si Pengantar

7. Wickana Laksmi Dewi : (1) Coming Out from the Dark , (2) Perfection

8. Alam Muammar & The Weekenders : Sela-sela

9. Gina Havier (Me) : Terbangun
"Terbangun" Gina Havier
Instalasi by Gina Havier

10. Pambudi Yoga Perdana : Altair dan Vega

11. Amanda Mitsuri : (")

12. Leonard Kawun & Angga Latief : Perjalanan Si Kiri dan Si Kanan

That's some of them, great artworks from great participants. 
Every photos are taken by Pambudi Yoga Perdana (PYP). For more picture of Sisi Lain Bumi's Artworks, kindly find it all on Sisi Lain Bumi FB Fanpage: Sisi Lain Bumi 

Apr 28, 2013

Kiluan Bay, Indonesia

Few days ago, I go for a trip with bunch of friends. I went to one-of-the-most beautiful bay in Lampung, Indonesia, called Kiluan Bay.
We use ferry from Merak Banten to Bakaheuni Lampung, and plus few hours later with rental cars to the site. The view? I can guarantee you, it's priceless.

We stay at a cottage in the bay, so we can get sleep with the sound of gentle waves at night :)

First adventure is going to Hidden Lagoon. We have to go tracking for few minutes to the hidden beach, and cross the rocks to the lagoon. After you finished tracking and find the lagoon, it feels worth every sweat.
So Beautiful.

There's a villager who guided us to the lagoon, so don't worry about the hard rock climbing, they have it all prepared. We just have to follow red signs they've made to the lagoon.

When we find the lagoon, we can bath, swim, jump, and play. It really fun.

After we came back from Hidden Lagoon, we can sail to the nearest island called Kelapa Island. We sail there with Jukung (Traditional Fisher Boat). We're catching sunset there, lay down a bit, having a chat, and snorkeling in white sand beach.

The next day, we go again on Jukung to see dolphins. We gone a bit far from the bay, and finally saw the dolphins. They were so many and they were so beautiful. I really enjoy this trip.

Before we go home, we play in another hidden beach, and then ride to Bakaheuni with travel cars.
That's my Kiluan Bay Trip, I will never forget it, especially when I sailed with the dolphins. I wish someday I can comeback here and have fun again.

Kiluan Bay, Lampung, Indonesia.

*) All Photos taken by my dear friend ; Zicco Hudyoro. Thanks for great pictures :)