Jan 27, 2010

Old School, Famous Amos Sweets Shop

When I'm in 3rd semester at my campus life, I have this assignment : Make a Commercial Place design. I choose Famous Amos for company profile. It's just study case, but I surveyed it from every store all around the world. I like the cookies though...(^^)

I made every design with hand, manually. So....here it this

Jan 21, 2010

Boys and Girl Bedroom

When I was on internship, I make this design : bedroom
This is part of a house at Spring Hills Jakarta. My internship partner and I design the whole building, a house which has 4 floor and elevator.
this is some of my design : bedroom for owner children's

Daughter's Bedroom : Concept, cute and sweet room. I make it more private with built in bed and reading light upon them.

Son's Bedrom : Concept colorful boyish. With blue as main color, I use glass for partition between bed area and study area.

Jan 20, 2010


Once, my tutor in college give us a task. He told us to make a CD/ DVD rack or shelf.
The main material on this task must be wood or plywood, and other material as secondary material.
I choose wood and acrylic. And for the concept? I bring Puzzle Rack for collector!

Jan 19, 2010

Urban Art Center Indonesia

Welcome to Blue Stripes,

This is my site about my design works.

This time I will posted some of my work called 'Urban Art Center Indonesia'
I made the interior design of this Art Center. The Art Center it self has issues about creative industries in Indonesia. And have specific theme : Urban Art.

Concept design on this center is CREATIVITY, where anyone who came here can have
experience, information, and fun from Urban Art.

The site Urban Art Center Indonesia has Gallery, Main Stage, Mini Stage, Workshop Class, Library, Cafe, advertising area, s
hop, and artist corner.

'Main Lobby'

'Pre-function Area to
Mini Stage and advertising area'

'Advertising Area'

'Cafe, 2nd floor'